TNR stands for Trap-Neuter-Return.
TNR is a management technique in which homeless, free-roaming (community) cats are humanely trapped, evaluated and sterilized by a licensed veterinarian, vaccinated (vaccines vary according to your local program protocol), eartipped and then returned to their original habitat. There are times when trapped cats show signs of domestication and may be evaluated for adoption.
What is the primary benefit of TNR?
With 1.4 million cats euthanized annually, for lack of homes, shelter space, etc., WE need to help control the cat overpopulation. This includes stray/feral cats in our communities that are outside breeding recklessly. Their offspring, more often than not, suffering from feline diseases and Mother Natures harsh elements, have a hard life just to survive. They are at times cared for by humans, but mostly on their own constantly seeking food, water, shelter, and on guard from predators.
Many kittens are saved through TNR programs and are placed in foster care during necessary nutritional stages of their life and to evaluate for possible adoption.
It costs us on average $40 per cat for TNR, this covers only transportation costs (fuel) and the cat's clinic visit. Please consider a donation to our TNR Team (Cash App: $VOPTNR) and contact us or other local programs to see how you can help by either trapping, transportation, educating or even making trap covers.
It takes a Village.